🚀 BlastOff 🚀

A software-based random stock picker and analysis tool built for the modern day.

The one and only random stock generator software available for iOS, designed for your stock discovery needs. Now you can find new stock market investing opportunities with every single press of a button. Currently available exclusively for the App Store.

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iPhone Image Demo of Blast Off, showing random stock generator


More detailed view of stock company statistics, screen for iPhone

View detailed statistics and charts of each stock, over a variety of time periods. Each stat is carefully selected and arranged to bring maximum value at a quick glance for each user. Available both for randomly generated stocks and searched stocks.

Ticker search of over 100,000 supported stocks with results sorted in an easy-to-understand alphabetical manner. Each result is clickable, navigating to the detailed statistics page for each stock.

View of the stock search menu of the app
iPhone Image Demo of Stock Favorites Screen

Add your favorite new discoveries into an ever growing list of favorites, designed to track the performance of each favorite since the time of addition. Clicking each favorite will take you to a more detailed statistics page.

& More On The Way!

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